What is Network Security : Types and Functions

Despite the rapid development of technology, data security remains very crucial. To support data security in the computer network, the term Network Security emerged. So what is Network Security and why is it important?

In every computer network, generally can not be separated from the threat of cyber attacks. Therefore, network security is one of the best solutions for securing user data. Network security is one of the protection methods whose presence is considered very important for companies.

Cyber ​​attacks are clearly detrimental to the company, ranging from information leakage to material losses. Network security or network security should be given more attention in order to prevent things that are not desirable.

Table of Contents

What is Network Security?

what is network security

As previously stated, network security is very important. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss what is Network Security in full.

Actually, network security is a term that is still quite common. Because the term network security includes many things. Starting from the technology, the devices used, and also the processes carried out.

In short, network security is a rule and configuration that is made in such a way as to protect the integrity, confidentiality and availability of computer and data network accessibility using both software and hardware technology.

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This effort is intended so that intruders’ access to the network system can be stopped immediately. In other words, network security anticipates the threat of attacks that have the potential to damage the network security system, both logical and physical.

Network security itself includes various network devices, both private and public networks. Network security involves access authorization to data on a network. As the protection of resources or network resources, the most common way that is usually used is the use of usernames and passwords.

Network security is very important. Because network security helps protect the scope of the network from spyware, adware, viruses and malicious attacks. Network Security also ensures that the transmitted data remains secure and its integrity is maintained.

Network security will reduce the risks and threats that you may get from cyberspace today. So you can access the internet and transfer data more securely and also full of privacy.

Benefits of Using Cyber ​​Security on Networks

benefit of network security

After discussing what is Network Security, you may also be wondering about the benefits of the system. For information, here are some important benefits that can be obtained from the use of cyber security.

Protect Device and Network Security

One of the main functions of network security is to protect the security of devices and networks. As is well known that computer networks and the internet are very vulnerable to security.

Network systems or computers can be threatened by viruses, malware, adware, and so on. The existence of good network security will make network security more leverage.

Because every traffic on the network will be monitored by the network security system. So that if there is an intrusion attempt by things that are not known, it can be anticipated more quickly.

Maintaining Integrity of Data on the Network

The next benefit that can be obtained from the use of network security is maintaining the integrity of the data. Today, data has become a very important commodity for many people. So that everyone tries to save and secure the data they have.

Institutions, organizations, or companies usually store important data on network systems. So that not everyone can access the data arbitrarily. Especially if the data is very sensitive. For example customer data or others.

The use of network security will ensure that the data is stored securely in its place. Network security will ensure that the data on the network remains intact and safe without modification so that its credibility is maintained.

Reducing the Risk of Sabotage

Cyber ​​attacks are becoming more common nowadays. In fact, in general, there are almost always cyber attacks targeting certain sites. The goal, of course, is to do sabotage or other things that harm the data owner.

To minimize the occurrence of cyber attacks, the use of network security is very important. Network security will protect the computer network topology system from the threat of sabotage or access by unauthorized people.

Network Security Concept

In the article on what is Network Security, it is not only discussed about the benefits of network security. But also about the concept of network security to secure the network. To maintain network security, there are several basic concepts or laws consisting of: confidentiality, integrity, & availability.

Confidentiality is a rule that limits third parties’ access to information. This concept is designed to prevent sensitive information from being accessed by the wrong people.

Integrity ensures that the information is reliable and accurate. This concept involves maintaining the consistency, accuracy, and trustworthiness of the data.

According to this concept, the data on a network cannot be changed by any party. Usually this is done through data encryption of a network.

Meanwhile, availability is a concept that ensures that information on the network will always be available when needed by people who have access.

This concept includes the maintenance and repair of hardware (hardware), system software, and also the operating system environment used.

Types of Network Security

types of network security

In general, there are many types of network security that can be found. But the types that are most often found are Firewall, Antivirus & Anti Malware, and also email security. The following is a complete discussion of the types of network security that you will often encounter.


One type of network security that is relatively often used on computer devices is a firewall. This software is often found on networks or computer devices as a medium to protect user data and privacy.

In short, Firewall is a tool that becomes a barrier between internal and external networks. The firewall ensures that the connection made remains secure by ensuring the security of the external network to which it is intended.

Although firewalls can be both hardware and software, most firewalls in use today are software installed on computers, web servers, or other devices. So that the device used can be protected from dangerous threats on the internet.

Firewalls are usually used on private networks or intranets to prevent unauthorized access from the internet. Every message that enters or leaves the internet passing through the firewall is checked for security measures.

Read: What is the definition of software?

Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware

You must be familiar with viruses and malware. Both are very dangerous and detrimental for device owners. Because devices that are infected with viruses or malware can be damaged or lose data.

In short, an antivirus is a tool used to detect and remove malicious software. This antivirus was originally designed to detect and remove viruses from computers.

Meanwhile, malware stands for “Malicious Software” including viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware and spyware. Under certain conditions the malware will infect the network but remain inactive for days or even weeks.

Then when a malware infects a network system, the time used to restore the network can be hours to weeks.

A good anti-malware application is usually used not only to prevent malware from entering but also to browse existing files to ensure that all files are safe. So that the device owned will remain safe and protected.

Email Security

email security

Nowadays, the use of e-mail is quite common. Especially in this digital era which is experiencing very rapid development. Communication using email is a common thing for many people.

But did you know that email is also one of the network systems that is often the target of cybercrime. Hackers can use email to steal user’s personal information and data.

Cybercrime methods via email have varied motives and purposes, including theft of sensitive information and data exploitation. In addition, messages created in the form of phishing emails contain fraud and malicious files.

Therefore, you also have to pay attention to the email network by installing network security. Without additional applications, email is usually equipped with security features such as anti-spam software. This feature is useful for protecting users from spam emails that may contain cyberattack threats.


In this article we have discussed network security in full. Starting from the definition, concept, benefits, and also the types. Through this article, we hope that you can have a more complete understanding of network security technologies.

In short, network security is anything that is used to maintain the security of a network system — both hardware and software. The most common types of network security are Firewall, Antivirus and Malware, and Email Security.

That’s the discussion about what is Network Security that you need to know. If you own and manage a server, of course, you must be careful and wise in choosing the type of network security to protect data and network security.

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