What is Artificial Intelligence? The Following are Definitions and Examples

What is Artificial Intelligence? The Following are Definitions and Examples – Are you aware that artificial intelligence technology or the cool term AI (Artificial Intelligence) is now widely scattered and applied in various fields of life. You can even find AI in everyday life, such as Google’s virtual assistant and Siri for example. Artificial intelligence is not a new thing, but its development has always been something that attracts attention.

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In the development of AI, apart from its role in helping humans, it is also supported by the presence of many science fiction films related to AI. Thus increasing people’s interest in AI. You also need to know, AI is not always a virtual assistant like Jarvis in the Iron Man movie or always in the form of a robot. But AI is broader than that, AI can be applied in various ways by emphasizing machine intelligence that can respond like humans.

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”

Yann LeCun

Currently, almost all computer devices or modern technology have implemented artificial intelligence. As previously stated, you can feel AI when using a smartphone via Google’s virtual assistant or Siri. AI is predicted to keep evolving and getting smarter and you can’t avoid it.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?
What is artificial intelligence? This is a question that we have not been able to fully answer. This is still foreign to most people. However, in some ways we already know at least in simple terms the answer to the question of what artificial intelligence is.

So what exactly is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence into different forms. We model human intelligence into a machine and program it to think like a human. Or AI is to make a machine that is capable of having intelligence like real humans. Meanwhile, according to Mc Leod and Schell, artificial intelligence is the activity of providing machines such as computers with the ability to display behavior that is considered as intelligent as if the ability is displayed by humans.

In other words, AI is a computer system that can do jobs that generally require human power or human intelligence to complete the job. In this case it is clear that AI in its perfect form is a human in the form of a machine.

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AI itself is a technology that requires a collection of data to source knowledge, just like humans. AI needs experience and data so that its intelligence can be even better. The important points in the AI ​​process are learning, reasoning and self-correction. AI needs to learn to enrich its knowledge. The AI ​​learning process does not always follow human control, but AI will learn by itself based on AI’s experience when humans use it.

The interesting thing about AI is that it is capable of self-correction. If you’ve ever heard the AI ​​phrase “If I never win, then at least I can’t lose” it’s a little scary, too. AI programming is intended to continue to learn and improve yourself from the mistakes that the AI ​​engine has made.

If you are still confused about how AI works, let’s take one example, namely AlphaGo. At the beginning of its development, the programmer gave him 100,000 Go match data for him to study. Then, AlphaGo will play Go together with himself and every time he loses he will improve the way he plays. This game process will be repeated by AlphaGo programmers millions of times.

One of the advantages of AI when we compare it to humans is that AI – AlphaGo – earlier is that humans can only play once at a time. While AI can simulate several matches at the same time. So that the learning process and experience can also be more than humans. This was proven when AlphaGo played with the world champion Go in 2016 he could be the winner.

Broadly speaking, an artificial intelligence can do one of the following four factors, at least to help answer “what is artificial intelligence?”.

  1. Acting humanly, a system that can act like humans.
  2. Thinking humanly, a system that can think like humans.
  3. Think rationally, a system that is able to think rationally.
  4. Act rationally, a system capable of acting rationally.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence

To add to the understanding of what is artificial intelligence is? We will give some examples in this section. In fact, large companies through their experts have applied artificial intelligence or AI in various fields. Call it some of them such as industry, medical, education, business and even in everyday life. Here are some examples of the application of AI that you usually encounter in everyday life.

1. DeepFace Facebook

What is Artificial Intelligence?
Asking what is artificial intelligence? It means we will remember Facebook in it. Facebook is a very big company today. And we can even say one of the biggest companies in the world. We know Facebook perhaps because we often upload photos of ourselves, friends, relatives, or the scenery around us. It’s too tiring to have lots of photos which we then tag every time we upload them. Well, Facebook has an AI they named DeepFace. With this AI, much of the work that humans can do is already done inside Facebook.

One example of AI is DeepFace technology. Facebook or Meta have had this technology for quite some time. This AI or DeepFace function is to recognize the faces of people in photo posts. With this technology, you no longer need to manually tag someone in the photo, because this AI will do it.

Maybe you are wondering, how did the AI know that the person in the photo is you? You need to know that before the AI can identify that the person in the photo is you, the AI programmer (DeepFace) will train based on the data. Where did the data come from? The data comes from when you tagged people in the previous photo and from the results of AI suggestions for people in the photos you approved. After DeepFace practices and has a lot of data, the AI will later be able to identify the person in the photo.

2. E-Commerce Recommendations

What is Artificial Intelligence?
The question, what is artificial intelligence?, can also be easier for us to answer if we know that AI has existed in various e-commerce today. Almost every major online selling fad has used AI as part of their efforts. Not only big online shops, but even medium ones, some have taken advantage of this technological development as part of the steps towards their success.

The concept of implementing AI that you often encounter, one of which is product recommendations in e-commerce. Maybe you’ve shopped at one of the e-commerce sites and when you shop there are products they recommend for you. The products they recommend are not from someone who predicts what you will buy, right? The recommended product is the result of an AI process.

Then where does AI get the data for the products he will recommend? AI obtains data from you alone. For example, when you do a product search, purchase a product and you have seen any product. This data will be processed from the AI concept, namely data mining so that AI will recommend the right products for you.

3. Virtual Assistant

What is Artificial Intelligence?
Virtual Assistants are probably the most common type of AI among the other types. With virtual assistants many companies are saving their finances to hire workers in this case humans. The work that humans have done so far is not even one or two humans before AI was born, becomes very simple and AI can replace it perfectly. Needless to say, even companies as big as Google or Alexa use AI for many of their jobs today. So in this case, the question, what is artificial intelligence? It becomes clearer for us to answer and understand.

The next example of artificial intelligence is virtual assistants. Actually, there are many virtual assistant providers such as Google assistant, Siri or Alexa. Like assistants in general, you can also interact with this virtual assistant. In addition, the virtual assistant can record when you have an appointment or event and provide information when the time for the event that is the deal arrives soon.

You can also command this virtual assistant to send messages, play music, open applications and so on. This virtual assistant will also continue to learn as you use it. So the virtual assistant can know what you like and what you usually do.

Actually there are many more examples of the application of AI, such as the AI features possessed by cameras on smartphones that can adjust camera settings according to current conditions. Or the AI of a Tesla car that can run without a driver.

Conclusion – What is Artificial Intelligence?

The adoption of AI has greatly impacted the way we live, interact and enhance our experience and comfort. AI is constantly evolving and there is much more to come in the years to come. Certainly an even better AI with more improvements, developments and implementations.

“Artificial intelligence has the same relationship with intelligence as artificial flowers with flowers” (David Parnas)

Actually, we don’t need to connote artificial intelligence in a negative connotation that will replace the role of humans. Although there is some or a lot of work that AI will do and this means taking the place of humans. But AI also brings new jobs or professions such as data scientists for example.

One thing that is important, you should not be too negative about the ability of AI. Instead you should be worried about the AI’s incompetence now. Maybe you can’t learn a lot at once like AI, but you can work with AI. Maybe there is something that humans need to take hundreds of years to find, whereas with the collaboration between you and AI you can find it in a matter of days.

So, what is the question: What is Artificial Intelligence? been answered? If not, you can ask through the comments column. We will try to answer and explain according to your needs.

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